speaktodave 15th April 2020

Sankar, I feel very lucky to have spent time with you and getting to know you over the last few years. When Rintu told me you were moving here to Glasgow with Arati I was glad I would have the chance to finally meet you both. Rintu had always been trying to tell me about your unique views on life, the weather and odd (endlessly funny) fascination with relative portion sizes but it took just a few memorable lunches with you in person to realise his storytelling skills would never really be able to properly do you justice. From the time we took a 2 hour round trip to spend just 3 minutes in the Hindu temple, your love of corridor laps / arm chair aerobics, the advice you gave me after a breakup and, just some of the surprising revelations you shared about your life,('orieneteering' at boarding school, the 1966 England world cup final and 'Hitler' the dog?!) you've given me many funny, interesting memories to talk about with Rintu. Besides the lunches and the laughs, you have left me with a warm and lasting impression. No matter how you were feeling on any particular day you always greeted and left me with the same friendly knowing smile (I wish you'd have shared that joke). Wherever you are now on your journey, I know it will be, at the very least, 'perfectly adequate'. I will miss you. Love David.