The Cremation of Sankar Kumar Basu

Due to the COVID 19 restrictions, my father's cremation was a private affair and there was no wake. He was cremated at 3 pm on Wednesday April 8th 2020. 

A small remembrance ceremony will be arranged once the restrictions have been lifted.

My father was a private man that did not like being the centre of attention. He also did not like ostentatious displays and ceremony. He would certainly not like anyone to put themselves to any inconvenience or danger on his behalf. As such this is the funeral he would have wanted. Especially under these unique circumstances.

That said, as his son, I would be grateful if you would spare him a small thought, story or prayer.

My father did not want cards or flowers at his funeral. He would prefer the money to go to "good practical use." As such, if you feel inclined, please make a donation to the Eastwood Dementia Project where my father spent many happy hours.